"A Model Church"
There is a poem entitled “The Perfect Church”… I do not know who wrote it, but I’d like to share it with you this morning.
The Perfect Church
I think that I shall never see
A church that’s all it ought to be;
A church that has no empty pews,
Whose preacher never has the blues;
A church whose deacons always “deke”
And none is proud but all are meek;
Where gossips never peddle lies
Or make complaints or criticize;
Where all are always sweet and kind
And all to other’s faults are blind.
Such perfect churches there may be,
But none of them are known to me.
But still we’ll work, and pray and plan
To make our church the best we can!
If you could find the perfect church,
Without one fault or smear,
For goodness sake, don’t join that church
You’d spoil the atmosphere.
If you should find the perfect church,
Then don’t you ever dare
To tread upon such holy ground,
You’d be a misfit there
But since no perfect church exists, made of imperfect men,
Then let’s cease looking for that church and love the one we’re in
Of course it’s not a perfect church, that’s simple to discern
But you and I and all of us could cause the tide to turn.
Last week, we started our new series that is entitled “Ready and Waiting” and this morning, I want to look at “A Model Church”. This was, by no means, a perfect Church. But the Thessalonian believers were a model church and we can look at their example and see what we need to do, to be a Church that is ready and waiting for the Return of Christ...
In V. 7 of 1 Thessalonians 1, Paul says “...you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe.” … The young church at Thessalonica may have been young and inexperienced, but it was a church that one could learn from. The Thessalonian church was a model to those fellow Macedonian churches and those in the nearby province of Achaia.
Look with me, if you will, at 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10… (Read)
I want you to notice some of the Characteristics of this Model Church… First of all, they were…
1. Chosen by God
1. Chosen by God
v.4 says “knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God”
The ESV words it as “ For we know, brothers loved by God, that He has chosen you”
Last week, as we covered some of the background of this letter, I had mentioned that we would cover some doctrinal issues that have been debated by many Bible Scholars over the years. Here we have our first one… The doctrine of election (or predestination).
Both of these words are biblical words and their definitions are not that hard to understand. This morning, Y’all chose (or elected) to come to Church… maybe you know exactly what you are having for lunch, whether it is roast and potatoes, or going to the restaurant… you have predetermined ahead of time what you are going to do and where you are going to go… That is basically election and predestination.
But when we find these words in Scripture, it is not talking about Sunday dinner… it is talking about our Salvation and has become one of the biggest arguments in Church history…
The argument goes like this: are we saved because we’ve seen our sinfulness and came to our senses and received the Lord???... or has God miraculously reached down and saved us of His own will simply because He wanted to?… So, whose idea was it to save me, was it mine or God’s?
There are two main theological camps in this argument and the first one is known as Armenianism and it’s based on the teachings of a Dutch preacher by the name of Jacob Arminius and the denominations that followed his teaching are the Wesleyans, the Methodists, the Salvation Army, several Pentecostal groups and many others. And these people basically believe that man has a total free will and because of his freedom to choose; then his salvation is up to him but the down side is, that he is also responsible to keep it.
So, he can be saved in the morning, lost in the afternoon and saved again at night. And that’s why many of these people are so faithful at church because if they stayed home they just might lose their salvation.
The other group are known as the Calvinists and their doctrine is based on the teaching of John Calvin. They would include many Baptists, Presbyterians and a few others as well. There are a few variations of Calvinism but those who are really strong are known as five point Calvinists.
These are people who claim that God makes the ultimate decision as to who is going to heaven and who is going to hell.
Calvinism is known by the acronym: T.U.L.I.P.
The T stands for Total Depravity: which means man is absolutely evil and he couldn’t reach out to God even if he wanted to because he’s too wicked. They say we’re not as sinful as we could be, but given time, all of us are capable of the worst sin imaginable.
The U stands for Unconditional Election: and that means God chose you and you had nothing to do with it.
The L stands for Limited Atonement: and this means that Jesus only died for the sins of the elect; so, none of His blood was wasted on those who go to hell.
The I stands for Irresistible Grace: which means those who are called to salvation have to come. There is no choice. The writer C.S. Lewis agreed with this position and he said, “He was dragged kicking and screaming unto salvation.”
And then the P stands for the Perseverance of the Saints: and this means that those who are saved will persevere through trials and tribulations and their perseverance is proof of their salvation.
The biggest problem with these systems of theology is; you can prove anything if you only use certain verses of scripture. My personal opinion is; both are right on some points and both are wrong on others and neither is completely right.
As far as election is concerned, we believe God chose us from the foundation of the world (because the scripture says He did) and we also believe we need to personally accept Jesus in order to be saved.
This is not a contradiction but it’s what’s known as an antinomy and an antinomy is a seeming contradiction between two valid points but God understands them and some day we might as well. The bottom line is; if we’re saved it’s totally of God and if we’re lost it’s our fault, so, we pray like everything depends on God and work like it all depends on us.
So, how do all these things work together? Well, do you understand how a brown cow can eat green grass and give white milk and yellow butter? No, but we still enjoy the food and in the same way, even though we can’t completely understand election, we accept that the Bible teaches it.
A seminary professor once told his students, “Try to explain election, and you may lose your mind. But explain it away–and you may lose your soul!”
That being said… if you need any further explanation of these issues, please see Dave Colburn…
Even though we may never understand the full concept of election this side of Heaven… It is not something to be ignored or skipped over… And we can still focus on what we do know and understand about being Chosen by God and our Salvation…
1.1 Salvation is Part of God’s Plan
1.1 Salvation is Part of God’s Plan
Ephesians 1:4 “4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,”
We will see this concept again in 2 Thessalonians 2:13, where Paul says “13 But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth,”
When the New Testament talks about being chosen it is a reminder that God has initiated the process to give us a place in His kingdom.
Not because we deserved it.
Not because we earned it.
Not because we are somehow worthy or better than anyone else… or any other reason.
1.2 Salvation Requires Faith, Love and Hope
1.2 Salvation Requires Faith, Love and Hope
vv. 2-3 “2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father”
Did you notice the big three here?… Faith … Love … and Hope. You will often find Paul using all these words in the same sentence… Here he uses them to describe the Past, Present and Future of the believers in Thessalonica.
First He mentions...
A Work of Faith - Always in his letters Paul is very cautious. He never wants people to think that somehow the good work we do – even the good religious and Christian work we do – is able to make save us, or make us more worthy of salvation.
But Paul is also very clear – when you have faith it produces a work.
There are spiritual outcomes. There are actions that can be seen. Faith is visual and has an impact.
In Matthew 7:16 Christ says “You will know them by their fruits”
The work of faith mentioned here would have included the fact that the Thessalonian believers had quit worshiping the idols, that they were worshipping in the past, before their Salvation… and have now started to exclusively Worship the One True God.
Secondly, Paul mentions...
A labour of Love - In the New Testament there is a distinction between work and labour… A work is our Christian actions in response to the grace that we have recieved from Christ… Whereas, Labour is also work, but has the added element of discomfort or hardship.
This Labour of love that Paul is talking about here, could be the persecutions that the Thessalonian had been experiencing ever since the Church began… and even in their present state, at the time this letter was written.
Why were the Thessalonian believers able to Labour through the different persecutions?… Because they Loved God and they knew that He loved them...
Paul then encourages them to look to the future with a...
Patience of Hope - That word Patience could also be translated as “Endurance”… Endurance is the action of moving forward no matter what the obstacles, or pressure to stop, or the persecution which results… In the most difficult of spiritual circumstances – that being persecution – the Thessalonians were still inspired by the hope that Christ gave. Knowing that nothing will separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord – not even persecution that could lead to death…
They had hope of a future with Christ, where there would be no more persecutions, no more pain and no more setbacks… This is the same hope that we have today.
Faith, hope, and love are evidences of our Salvation. These spiritual qualities are bound together and they are given to us by Almighty God.
The second Characteristic, of this Model Church, that I want you to see is, they were…
2. A Responsive Church
2. A Responsive Church
From the very start of this church, Paul looked to them with joy and gratitude as Christians worthy of the name. They were responsive to several important things…
First and foremost, they were responsive…
2.1 To God’s Word
2.1 To God’s Word
v.5 says “5 For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.”
The gospel came to the Thessalonian believers through the ministry of Paul and his associates. But it didn’t just come from idle words of their mouths… it came “In Power”… Paul’s words had a powerful effect on them… What was the source of that power?… The Holy Spirit… ‘The Holy Spirit’ is the Person the power came from as the gospel was preached.
Just like Christ told His disciples in Acts 1:8, Just before He ascended into Heaven… “8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
It was this power from the Holy Spirit that caused these sinners to respond to the Gospel that was being preached to them… and even today, it is the Holy Spirit that causes people to respond to the Gospel of Christ…
And I am so glad that it is… because that means as long as I do my part, as long as I do what God has called me to do, as long as I share the gospel, it is then up to Him to do His part in convicting people to respond to it.
The Church in Thessalonica also responded…
2.2 To Spiritual Leaders
2.2 To Spiritual Leaders
vv.6-7 “6 And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, 7 so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe.”
The word “followers” in v.6 can also be translated as “Imitators”… They were a church who imitated the life and faith of Jesus and his apostles. They watched the way that Paul, Silas and Timothy spoke and acted; they saw how they forgave and served; they heard how they gently instructed in the truth; they observed their faith, hope and love, they observed their boldness. They saw their love for Jesus Christ. And they adopted as their own, this new Christian way of life.
This brings to mind another verse in...
Ephesians 5:1-2
1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
1 John 2:6
6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
But v.6 of our study here in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1 says...
1Thessalonians 1:6
1 Thessalonians 1:6 (NASB95)
6 You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit,
How often do we think of the fact that we are also called to imitate the life of godly people? That’s why Christian biographies and autobiographies are good to read. We learn how godly men and women throughout the ages have lived for Christ.
Paul even says in 1 Corinthians 4:16 “I urge you to imitate me”!!! And Later on in Chapter 11:1 he says “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ”...
Many parents make the mistake of raising their kids with the “Do as I say and not as I do mentality”… When in reality they themselves should be living in such a way that their children can imitate.
Sometimes we hear well intentioned Christians say, Don’t look to me, look to Christ… But that’s not what Paul said! Yes, we should be always pointing people to Him as the answer to everything. But there is a sense in which God asks us to be examples for others to follow. And there is a sense in which it is a cop-out for us to say Don’t look to me. Because folks, by the power of the Holy Spirit we can and should be examples to others. Just as we should be learning from the example of the Lord and of godly people.
And so, The Thessalonian believers imitated Paul and the Lord. In spite of severe suffering and they did it... with JOY!
Let that be a challenge to all of us… Are we living out the Jesus lifestyle?… and are we doing it with joy, even in the face of ridicule, opposition and hardship?… Remember, we are to “Count it ALL Joy”
How were these Thessalonian believers responsive to God’s Word???… How did they imitate their Spiritual Leaders???…
2.3 By Spreading the Gospel
2.3 By Spreading the Gospel
Look at v.8 “For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.”
This tells us that “The Lord’s message rang out from Thessalonica, not only [locally], but everywhere… – in other words everywhere there were Christian gatherings, they were talking about how the Thessalonians had come to faith in Christ.
Notice the two ways the gospel spread. First, it rang out locally through the way they shared the gospel to everyone around them. And Secondly, the gospel spread as their faith “became known everywhere”...
And in v.9 we see the particular aspects of their faith that were being talked about… “For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,”
The NASB words the first part of v.9 like this… “For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you,...” The other Churches in the area were talking about how these folks treated Paul and Silas with such hospitality when they arrived in Thessalonica and first started the Church.
When people come to Pierson Bible Church… Do they talk about the good reception they received?… I know I did… The very first Sunday that we were here, Y’all didn’t know who we were or why we were even visiting and yet, I am certain that 99% of you came over and greeted us at some point throughout the day.
When people come through our doors they should feel the Love of Christ surrounding them. And that comes from us! It comes from how we treat others! People notice and it has a lasting effect on them.
If they don’t feel that love of Christ when they enter, first of all, shame on us… but they will notice that as well and it too will have a lasting effect on them.
So many in those days were talking about the Thessalonian’s attitude towards the Christian ministry. But they were also talking about something else… “For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,”
The Thessalonian believers didn’t just talk the talk, they walked the walk… They lived out what they said they believed... and people noticed.
They repented of their sins and “Turned to God from Idols”… They quit serving and sacrificing to idols to “serve the living and true God”.
And that folks, is what it takes to be a Church or an individual, that is Ready for what ever God has planned for our future.
That leads me to the final characteristic this morning… This model Church was…
3. Ready and Actively Waiting
3. Ready and Actively Waiting
vv.9-10 “9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”
These Thessalonian believers had been saved out of the darkness of Paganism and after receiving the light of the Gospel, they were now determined to share that light with anyone they can… they weren’t just sitting around, twiddling their thumbs, waiting for Christ to return or to call them home.
I have never been in the military, but I know that several of you have… I have to assume that when you were waiting for an assignment, you didn’t just sit around eating bon bons… You made sure that you stayed fit, made sure that your pack was always ready to go, you made sure that the enemy couldn’t take you by surprise and if they did, you were ready at a moments notice…
That is what it means to be Ready and actively waiting… It is so easy to say “I have accepted Christ as my savior, I am going to Heaven, My work is done and I am just going to sit back and wait for Him to call me home”…
The word translated “wait” in v.10 means “to await someone with patience and confidence, expectantly.” Waiting involves activity and endurance. I am sure that some of the Thessalonian believers quit their work and became idle busybodies, arguing that the Lord was coming soon. But if we really believe the Lord is coming, we will prove our faith by keeping busy and obeying His Word and doing our part to fulfill the Great Commission.
No Church today is identical to the church in Thessalonica. Each church is different. However, there were some outstanding characteristics of that Church which all Churches should imitate...
Churches come to have these vital characteristics only as the members of the Churches have them. The character of a given Church is a reflection of the behavior of its members.
When people see Pierson Bible Church… May they see a Church that is “Ready and Actively Waiting” for the return of Jesus Christ.